1 Congratulations! You have finished the first step in avoiding common problems on your computer!\n\nThe first part of Attune has just finished downloading; the remaining parts will "trickle" down to your computer each time you connect to the Internet. Based on average Internet usage, Attune should finish downloading in a few days. If you wish to check the download progress at any time, place your mouse on top of the Attune icon in the system tray to see the percentage downloaded. The system tray, which contains miniature icons, is usually in the lower right corner of your screen. \n\nOnce the Managed download is complete, you will see a message that Attune is ready to be installed.\n\nThank you for trying Attune!
2 The Attune download has been canceled because your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements to successfully use Attune. These requirements are:
3 Congratulations! You have finished the first step in avoiding common problems on your computer!\n\nThe first part of Attune has just finished downloading; the remaining parts will "trickle" down to your computer each time you connect to the Internet.\n\n
4 WARNING! Although Attune is currently trickling down to your computer, we have determined that your computer does not have enough hard disk space to finish downloading all the files. Please make an additional %space MB of space available on Drive %drive so that the download will finish successfully.\n\nBased on average Internet usage, Attune should finish downloading in a few days. If you wish to check the download progress at any time, place your mouse on top of the Attune icon in the system tray to see the percentage downloaded. The system tray, which contains miniature icons, is usually in the lower right corner of your screen. \n\nOnce the Managed download is complete, you will see a message that notifies you know that Attune is ready to be installed.\n\nThank you for trying Attune!
5 In order to install Attune later on your own, please make a note of the location of the Attune setup files:\n\n%setupPath\n\nWhen you are ready to install Attune, double-click this "%setupName" file.
6 You have been downloading Attune in the background. The download cannot continue because there have been too many %errorType problems.\n\nTo continue trying to download, click the "Please Keep Trying" button.\n\nTo cancel the managed download, click the "Stop Download" button. If you do this, you may still be able to download Attune by returning to the web site and selecting the "Download All At Once" option.
7 You have been downloading Attune in the background. The download cannot continue because we cannot connect to your FTP server. This might be occurring because you are behind a firewall. However, you should be able to download Attune successfully by returning to the web site and selecting the "Download All At Once" option.
9 %cpuspeed MHz or faster processor
21 Attune Managed Download
22 Attune Managed Download Discontinued
23 Attune Managed Download - Disk Space Warning
25 Install Attune Myself
26 Attune Managed Download Problem
40 Microsoft Internet Explorer version %versionNumber or later.
41 %number MB of memory.
42 %processor Processor.
43 386
44 486
45 Pentium Processor or equivalent.
47 Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, or equivalent.
48 Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98
49 Microsoft Windows 98 %versionNumber or later
50 Microsoft Windows NT %versionNumber, Service Pack %servicePack or later